Network analysis

Active headers

Header Value

Active trusted proxies

Subnet Bits Type /24 IPv4

Client address

This IP address is what the script will use during its regular operation. You should ensure this is correct.

  • Your current detected IP address is:
  • The method used to compute it was: Provided by webserver
  • Check to see if this is correct.

Connection address

This is the computed IP address of the underlying connection after applying trusted proxies. It will usually match the above client address, but if you're using Cloudflare, then it must be the IP address of a Cloudflare edge node for things to work properly.

  • The IP address of the connection is:
  • The method used to compute it was: No matching trusted proxies
  • This IP address does not belong to the Cloudflare network.
Great! It looks like your webserver is already configured to detect and restore the client's IP address from Cloudflare, so further no action is necessary.