Change the appearance of the website
The color scheme for the overall website.
The background color of the website.
The default background color for panels across the website.
The color for borders used in panel and table headers.
The navigation and logo bar on top of the website.
The background color of the header.
The color of navigation links when inactive.
The color of navigation links when active.
The background color of the website selection box on the tools page.
The text color of the website input on the tools page.
The background color of the website selection dropdown.
The background color of the submit button that appears when typing in a new site.
The text color of the submit button that appears when typing in a new site.
The background color of the tool name header on tool pages.
The text color of the tool name header on tool pages.
The background color of the website selection box on top of tools.
The text color of the website selection box on top of tools.
The background color for generic title headers (such as contact page).
The text color for generic title headers (such as contact page).
The background color of the language selection bar.
The text color of the language selection bar.
The background color of the admin bar.
The text color of the admin bar.
The jumbotron is the big banner near the top of the home page.
The background color of the big banner.
The color of text in the big banner.
The color of the button in the big banner.
Colors for other elements on the home page.
The color of icons when hovered.
The background color of the call to action.
The background color of the call to action textbox.
The text color of the call to action textbox.
The background color of the call to action button.
The text color of the call to action button.
Colors for tool results.
The color of the submit button on tools which have a form.
The background color of odd rows in tables.
The background color of copy and download buttons for tool results.
The border color of copy and download buttons for tool results.
Colors for the account management area.
The text color for headings throughout the account area.
The background color for the tile buttons on the account home.
The background color for the tile buttons (when hovered).
The text color for the tile buttons on the account home.
The background color for buttons throughout the account area.
The text color for buttons throughout the account area.
The background color for textboxes in the account area.
The text color for textboxes in the account area.
The border color for textboxes in the account area.
The background color for the list of websites.
The border color for the list of websites.
Colors for the login and registration pages.
The background color for buttons throughout the login area.
The text color for buttons throughout the login area.
The background color for textboxes in the login area.
The text color for textboxes in the login area.
The border color for textboxes in the login area.
The text color for info throughout the login area.
The text color for links throughout the login area.